Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Lovebird,Mims=Waterbottle?


22 17:47:24

Hello-my lovie is 5 mths old and I got him from a breeder in TN straight from birth--Originally, I had sort of a test tube water bottle that he would not go near besides being water was being drunk...My breeder had said he was using the waterbaby by AgSelect and I have purchased this-however i have personally have seen him lick it once or twice but when i put in his daily bath he drinks first as if he didnt drink for days--im nervous that he isnt getting enough water if the bath is not there==wut do ya think? THX

Hello Alana,

What is the reason you are putting water in a lixit rather than providing water in a water bowl? Using a lixit is something that must be taught, and yes, if birds do not know how to drink from it they will dehydrate. I see no reason to for this risk and suggest you provide your bird with water in a manner that he knows - a water bowl.

If you are ever concerned that your bird is not getting enough fluids than you need to discuss this with your avian veterinarian.
