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HELP!EMERGENCY! birds biting each other

23 9:32:05

My 2 female and male African Red Headed Finches are not getting along at all, they will constantly bite each other on the beaks and sometimes bodies. I was planning to breed them; I have never bred birds before. I DO NOT know what to do! I got the male first and I have a cage not an aviary. I have a hut where they can lay eggs in but they just don't like each other. They have been together for a while and still bite each other, please help me!

From,  Maddy  


How big is their cage? For two finches, they need something at least 20 to 22 inches wide (preferably wider), 18 inches high and 18 to 20 inches deep. If you are housing them in anything this size or smaller, they might be arguing because they don't have enough space. They have no way to get away from one another if they need a break.  I'd also recommend using two food and two water dishes (so that they don't feel the need to argue over who gets to eat if they are hungry at the same time).  

Are they plucking out feathers from one another? If you start to see missing patches of feathers on the birds, then you will need to separate them. Just like with people, not all birds will get along with one another and want to start a family.

I hope this helps.
