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spazzing out!

22 17:41:25

Pet birds probably do this all the time, but my parakeet Bloo one day just started freaking out. He kept flying back and forth in her cage, and when she sits on her perch, she flaps her wings really fast, it makes the perch shake. It kind of looks like she's having a seizure. She does this at least one time in two weeks.


She really is just trying to get some exercise. May I suggest to let her out more. After all, thats why she has wings. Bird in the wild are built to fly allot. I don't mean to sound patronising, but if you think how far a bird must fly in its usual day in the wild and compare that to what a caged bird gets, its not allot really.

Let her out for a flap, and maybe but a bowl with some water in, on a table somewhere so she can have a bath. That uses up some energy!!

Hope this helps?
