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parakeet foods

22 17:41:24

 Hey I have a question can parakeets eat oats from oatmeal not cooked
 Also can they eat cereal is it all right if they eat bread does it depend on the brand

 Can you give me a list of stuff that parakeets can eat [if you don't mind that is]

Hi there,

You can try parakeets on most foods. Just avoid sugar, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and most importantly, avocado and cherry pips. Dairy is also something that I don't recommend.

Most fruits and vegetables they will try. Also grains, nuts and seeds and grasses. I don't know if your parakeets will eat oats. Try it! You will find that each bird will like very different things, and if they see you eating it, they are more likely to try it. Some parakeets like the dried millworms that you give to the wild birds, but I don't recommend you try them yourself!

Experiment, but don't over do one particular food.
