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Relocating from Ca, USA to Rota, Spain

23 9:27:52

I owned 2 female cockatoos - a goffin and a lesser sulfur-crested who are very much a part of our family.  We are moving to Spain in about 2 months for 3-5 years.  I need info on taking them with us or as a last resort, is there a reputable organization to care for them until we return?

Hi, Rita.  Thanks for posting!

You'll need to contact the particular airline you are flying on for information on requirements for taking parrots overseas with you.  Do this right away, as you will likely need health certificates, etc., from your avian veterinarian and possibly your birds might have to be vaccinated if they haven't already.

You'll also need to get in touch with the organization in Spain that controls incoming live animals.  Try this link to help you find the proper organization:

Perhaps the US Dept of Agriculture can help you locate the proper organization in Spain.  Be prepared for your birds to be in quarantine for some period of time once they enter the country.

I don't know of any organizations who care for parrots or other animals for the length of time you'll be gone.
