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Funny Cockatiel behavior

23 9:30:29

My cockatiel is pied and has a yellow head, orange cheeks, grey wings and yellow and white pied markings on the wings, underneath it's tail feathers are little white stripes, it's chest area is grey with yellow patches. It is only about 2 1/2 months so just keep that in mind if it helps.

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He doesn't rub it on anything. Do you think that if he was a female it would mean something? Because the breeder said she thought he was a male, but he could be a famale. Anyway would him being a female change anything?

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Hi, I recently bought a cockatiel and suddenly he just started doing domething really weird. He kind of sticks his behind in then air and sreeches loudly, moving up and down. He does this when a put him on the floor, when he is on my finger or shoulder he is fine. He is perfectly tame and seems to be happy and healthy, but I just don't understand this behavior. I hope you are able to help me,



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Hi, Savannah.  Thanks for posting.

Is your tiel rubbing his behind on anything when he's doing this?  If so, he's "in the mood for some loving" if you know what I mean!  He wants to mate!


Answer -
Hi again, Savannah.

No.  Males and females both "get horny" to put it bluntly.  Males usually rub on things (perch, toy, etc.), females tend to back into something and/or just stick their tails up in the air, sometimes rubbing their behinds on things.  

If you can describe your tiel's coloration completely in detail, I might be able to help you determine his/her sex.  A picture would even be better.


Hi again, Savannah.

If your tiel is only 2.5 months old, it can change coloration some twice before it's a year old.  They molt for the first time at 6-8 months of age, then again at about 12 months, and once per year after that.  Molting is the process whereby every feather on a bird's body is replaced.  During the first year, they can change enough so that trying to determine sex should wait until they have at least molted the first time.

Now I'm wondering what s/he is doing with the rubbing thing, since at 2.5 months of age, it shouldn't be sexual yet...s/he isn't mature enough.  Hmmm...gotta think about this some more!
