Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > My parakeets dont sit...

My parakeets dont sit...

23 9:30:57

Hi, it's me again... I was wondering what kind of nest I should buy for my parakeets. What shall I do with the abondoned eggs? Will they be hatching more? I'm not home that often because of work but I've been calling home a lot regarding them.
The parakeets have been going to the bottom of the cage where I lay paper towels down and the female just rips and tear it. They moved right pass the eggs like it wasn't even there making them roll around a little!?! I'm really worried about them because the eggs should be cared for. And yes, I do have one female and one male ( I've seen them mate ).
Okay, I believe that's all the questions that's been bobbling my mind. Sorry for being such a pest and THANK YOU a lot... Tiffany  

Hi, Tiffany.  Thanks for posting again!

Most pet shops that sell bird supplies sell nestboxes.  You'll need a nestbox designed for parakeets.  If they have, in fact, abandoned their eggs, you can just throw them away.  I don't know if they will be laying more eggs, however, if you provide a nestbox, they certainly will lay more.  If you don't want them laying, don't put up a nestbox and don't keep anything inside their cage that they can make into a nesting box or that they can make into a nest (such as paper towels, newspaper, etc.).  

You could get a nestbox and put these eggs in it, but I don't know if the eggs will hatch (depends on if they've been doing any type of incubating, etc.).  

If you allow your keets to breed, what are you going to do with the babies?  You need to think about a lot before allowing these keets to mate, lay eggs, hatch babies, etc.
If I didn't give you my website addy previously, here it is:

There's lots of bird info here you might need to read before you make decisions regarding this.
