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going from two to three(umm four)

22 18:00:25

I have accidentally(kinda) gotten 2 more males from an unfitt home for them. They are reletively friendly (they have good hearts) but are still a bit skiddish. They are making progress though. Let me explain my situation, I have a room that is specifically for birds. They have toys, perches, ladder, water bath, climbing ropes, and a large platform perch that I have built out of 2x2x4's as well as all the basic ecoutrements. they also have a cage inside of this room that they sleep in. Would I be able to integrate these birds in a seperate cage into my so called aviary or should I start looking for good homes.
p.s. I have them in quarintine right now and was wondering  how long is appropriate for this. And second, one of the bird has a 1 1/2"  spot behind his wing where the feathers are missing. Is this a normal reaction to the stress he had had at his last home or is this something that I should be worried about.  

Hello Cory.  Thank you for your post.
Let's take the first thing, quarantine.  It is always a good idea to keep your new birds in quarantine for 30 days.  This will give  a chance for any kind of disease to show, if there is one, and keep it from getting passed onto your other birds.  This goes the other way too.
With that being said, if the room is big enough, after quarantine, you should be able to integrate the birds into your "Aviary".  Just keep a close eye so that the birds do not fight with each other.  At first, your older birds (the ones that you've already had in your home" will probably chase the newer ones a bit.  That is normal.  They're establishing their territory.  It'll pass in a few days.
As for the bird with the missing feathers, it could be self mutilation.  If the bird was very stressed or unhappy, he could've plucked his own feathers out.  If the two were caged, the other may have picked on him.  Keep an eye on him, and if it doesn't look like it's getting any better, or if it is looking worse, then take him into a Certified Avian Vet to have him checked for parasites.  
I had taken a cockatiel in that had plucked his feathers out from around his neck (he looked ridiculous).  When I got him home, and right away he started to over-preen himself, and he loved his neck to be scratched (it was really itchy because of the pin feathers growing in).  The first thing that I did was take him and put him into a sink of luke warm water and let him play (of course after I'd taken him to the vet and got a clean bill of health on him).  Then ever time he started to scratch the areas that he was bald, I'd mist him down with plain water.  Within a few weeks his feathers started to grow back, and after 3 months, when I placed him into a good him, he was fully feathered out and very pretty.
It sounds like your birds are very lucky to have their own play room.  I wish I was able to do that for my birds, but with me taking the different birds in that I do, it just isn't possible.  I would need at least 2 more extra
I do not see any reason why you would have to find a good home for the two new birds if you wanted to keep them yourself.  If you have the resources and the time to spend, then keep them and make sure that they have happy lives.

Good luck and God Bless.