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pet cockatiels

22 17:39:07

Hi i have 2 birds i know 1 is a female because she has laid a few eggs lately so i got the anther bird thinking he is a male but i think he is a she. i have put in a breeding box in the cage but they both play on top of it. she flatends her wings out i sapose to mate but i have notetes he or she dose the same thing so i think i have 2 females so how can i tell if they are the same sex. they are inside birds can i put a male bird in with them.the female has a slight grey crest and light grey under her wings and bright orange cheaks. he is about 8 months old he has a bright yellow crest with grey starting to apear in crest and grey lines under his wings. thanks hope you can help me with my dilemma.


Is there any way you can send a picture of your birds along?

Behavior might be the only way to tell right now.  Does the new bird chatter and whistle tunefully, or does it just occasionally chirp?  Does it strut and bob up and down, or does it stand regally?  The more regal, quieter ones are usually females; the flashy, chattery ones are usually males.

Good luck,
