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birdie problems

22 17:39:51

HEYY! My name is Amanda and i have an Indian RingNeck bird named Isabel. When we 1st got her i wasn't born but I've heard that she talked, did tricks, and more but it seemed when no one would pay attition to her she would start screaming. After a while my mom tried to pet her and then she started biting. Now no one gets a near the cage and what am I to do. When its bedtime I take a blanket and put it over her cage around 9 or 10 at night nd she sits on her perch and goes to bed. We cliped her wings and nails so she can't fly and were trying to train her but I need some ADVICE because she seems nice when you wrap a towel around you rhane and say up but i'm scard that if i put my finger there shes going to bite. OH and by the way shes 18 years or age. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CAN YOU HELP!

Hi, Amanda!

It's wonderful that you are concerned about your Indian Ringneck Parakeet.  This type of bird, although members of flocks in the wild, are not terribly touchy-feely.  Although you can try very hard and often succeed in getting an Indian Ringneck to allow petting and handling, you then have to do it several times a day to keep the bird tame.  

Screaming is your bird's way of keeping in touch with flock members.  If you are not within sight, they use sound to determine where you are.  Do you keep your bird in an area where she can see you all the time, or do you keep her hidden away in a corner somewhere?  She needs her cage placed in an area of the home where you spend the most time so that she will not screech as much.

Covering her cage with a blanket at night is a very wise choice.  I'm glad you do that!  

Thanks for writing!
