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My injured hen

22 17:46:33

Hello, we had 5 chickens and one night a fox got in and we lost one and one of the others was quite badly injured. By the look of the injury on the hen looked as if the fox had grabbed her by the side and shook her around the garden, Luckily I heard the commotion and disturbed the goings on only to find Henny Penny half alive under the Lavender bush - sadly her best friend Star didn't make it which broke out hearts. Being new to owning chickens this attack came as quite a shock living in the town! Luckily Henny Penny had no broken bones or fractures and the vets were prepared to stitch up her wounds and give her a chance. It is now 2 weeks later and yes she is making progress but very slow indeed. She hobbles slowly and open beak breathes alot apparently her air sacs were damaged? What are these? She is not with the 3 other hens but in the house in a large box full of straw in the under the stairs cupboard as she has needed so much TLC. Do birds genuinely take along time to heal? Also when I placed her back in the chicken coop I thought it might be nice for her to have a little hen natter with her mates to my horror they started pecking at her and one of then jumped on her head and started attacking her really badly!! I could hardly get the other hen off it was awful!! What am I to do? Why have they rejected her like this they were all bought up together. Poor old Henny Penny as if she hasn't been through enough as it is!!! Do birds take a long time to heal if they have torn muscles and ligaments? The vet seems hopeful what are your thoughts on this and the rejection situation - they are all femaie - we thought one was a cockeral but no tale feathers have grown yet and she/he is around 6 months. Your advice would be gratefully received.
Thanks Sarah - Bedford

Yes, chickens do take a long time to heal. You'll have to give her a lot of care and keep her in until she's better. The other hens will reject her when she comes back as they have forgotten her and think she is a new hen. You'll have to introduce her gradually to them once she is at full health. Chickens dont have memories of friends like we do, so naturally they will attack a hen they don't know. Eventually they will all be good friends though.

Good luck with Henny Penny, make sure she gets the love and attention she needs to get better :)