Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > I know its about budgies but....

I know its about budgies but....

22 17:39:33

umm my expert was maxed out so I'll ask you:D
1. What does maxed out mean?
2. What happens when you accidentley do something wrong like tell it to shut up?
3. I know you don't specialize in budgies but I think this could go under any parakeet catigory: My Budgie was fine with perching on my hand, but now he is freaked he won't let me put my hand in the cage with out flipping out!(I have owned him for five days now!!)
Hope you can help
Sincerely, Charlotte

"Maxed out" means the expert has answered all the questions they can for the day.

Birds don't understand words, but they do understand your tone and body language.  And they may end up repeating what you say, so be careful!

What did YOU do to make your budgie freak out?  Just be careful how you approach...go slow and easy.

