Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > New baby budgies....????

New baby budgies....????

22 17:46:20

We found this morning, that 2 of the 6 eggs laid have hatched..........This is her first clutch, and we really didn't think they would hatch....   Now I want to ask what do I need to buy to help her if needed.   She laid the last one last Sat. which is one week........I really need to know what things I need to buy......special type food?  She has a full cuttle bone right with her.....  Does she keep them warm enough?  Or, do I need to take a heater in for them?   I feel so stupid, just not thinking the first clutch would hatch.......Please, help.....Jackie in Canada.

Hi, Jackie,

You don't need to buy anything.  The parent birds will care for their offspring.  You just need to ensure you offer the parent birds plenty of food so they can keep their offspring and themselves properly nourished.  Their are egg biscuits, food supplements you can purchase for them.  Hopefully, your adult budgies are already on a varied diet of healthy, nutritional human foods.  If not, you can't change their diet now.  Yes, she should keep them warm enough.  However, you need to watch to ensure they are being kept warm enough, are being fed well enough, etc., etc., and be prepared to intercede when/if necessary.  This is the problem of allowing birds to breed and produce offspring before you have all the knowledge you need to help when necessary.  Whenever eggs are laid, there's a possibility the eggs will hatch (unless this is a single female laying infertile eggs and/or the pair are not male/female).

If you want these babies to be tame/handleable, you should handfeed them.  More info on this is on my website:
