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Should I get my female parakeet a friend?

22 17:25:06

I have a female parakeet, she is about 7 months old, i've had her for about 5 months. She never has let me touch her or really come near her at all. She finally started about 3 weeks ago when i would hold her treat. It took about 2 weeks to get her to come around to it. She did for a few days then quit. She will not anymore, sometimes she gets really upset when i come near the cage sometimes she just sits but looks around like she is getting ready to fly to the corner of the cage. She sings but not very often. I take her cage outside and she sings and makes noises. So my question is would a friend help her? Female or male? The cage is big enough for two and to start i can keep him in a separate cage. (I have 2 cages.) I'd like her to be happy even if that means she doesn't like me still. So what do you think?

She will be happier with a friend, no doubt, but they both will be harder to train as they will bond with each other. If you want to train her, take it very very slow and be very patient. Keep her in a quiet place - no dogs, cats, radio, tv, foot traffic, loud voices, etc. and approach her very cautiously. She will eventually respond to you. She is clearly stressed by the environment so keep her in a calm place and all will be well.