Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Budgie?


22 17:36:33

My partner loves cats and we have always had one or two.
I am more fond of birds and love budgies.
Would it be incompatible to get a bird with a cat in the house?
This cat is pretty old but has taken down a bird or two in the summer outside.
I am worried the cat will stare at the bird all day and try to get it terrorising the poor bird-unless I hang the cage from a ceiling hook or something!
Thanks for any advice!

I also have cats and birds in my home. You can add a budgie to the home but I would house the bird where the cat does not have access unless you can watch the bird and cat . Our cats have been raised with birds, there is never an issue here. I do notice they stare at the smaller birds more than the larger birds.
I would also make sure there is a clip on the birds cage which enables the cat from actually opening the cage.
Please investigate the diet needed for a budgie. They also require fresh fruits, veggies, and grains in theyre diets.
Good luck in adding a feathered companion.
M.C Bird and Exotic Rescue