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cockatiel follow up question

22 17:39:45

I have had Jim for about 2 months now, we had him when he was a baby.  I read that after the first molt the barring on the tail might go if he is a male.  Is that true?   Also with my other cockatiel rosie, he follows her everywhere, does that mean he has bonded with her or can 2 birds just be friends without pair bonding.  Rosie likes him but not to the point where she follows him.  She bows her head to him sometimes.



Most male cockatiels will lose the barring on the tail on their first molt, which will be around 6-9 months of age.

It does sound like Rosie has accepted Jim, but females generally don't follow males around.  They "allow"  the males to follow them around and to preen them.
