Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > african gray

african gray

23 9:29:10

I have a african gray bird about 11 yrs. old
I thought it was a male but tonight he was acting strange  then laid a egg  He/She is back to normal.   She has never been with any other birds.
Is this normal and what do I do now?
                            Thank You

Hi, Brenda.  Thanks for posting!

You definitely have a female grey!  Her hormones are raging so she's laying infertile eggs.  This is normal in female birds of all types when their hormones go crazy!  

What I suggest you do is leave any eggs right where she lays them until she abandons them on her own.  If you take them away as they are laid, she will keep laying and laying until she gets a full clutch under her.  This isn't healthy for her, so just let her lay 2-4 eggs and she'll abandon them when she realizes they aren't going to hatch.  This could take a month, so be patient with her and let her do her thing!  Reduce the amount of light she has available to about 8-10 hours per day...this will help disuade her from laying.
