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Beak discoloration

22 17:59:12

My daughter has a parakeet that has a brown looking beak, WE have one of those fish bone things and she seems to be using it more and I see yellow coming back,  is this something I should be concerned about,  Her body color is Blue if that matters.


Hello Shelly and thank you for your post.
If the parakeet is using it's cuttle bone, then it needs the calcium.  
The fact that the beak is getting more color into it is a good sign. You might want to consider putting some Avian Vitamins into her water.  If the bird needs calcium, it probably needs some of the other nutrients too.  Just make sure that if you put the vitamins into the water that you only leave that water in her cage for a few hours, then give the bird some fresh water.  If you let the water with the vitamins sit in the cage, bacteria will start to grow and this can make your bird very sick.

Good luck and God Bless.