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Eggs and babies

22 17:39:09

Our lady tiel is laying eggs for the 2nd time this summer.
The last eggs, 3 of 6 hatched and we lost the babies.  I want to make sure we do the right things to help the parents this time.  How do I prepare the baby bird food for the parents?  Do I mix it with the seed food or place it in a separate container?  They are very protective of the babies.  Will they accept them when we put them back in the house/cage?


You don't need to give the parents any special food.  Certainly, I would give them the same food they are used to eating as well as some supplemental fresh food that they might enjoy, like eggs, rice, softened veggies, cornbread, and the like.  

The baby bird food is for people who pull the babies to handfeed.  

I found that it is best to put a treat out and then block off the opening to the nestbox.  That will give you a chance to handle the babies without getting potenially bitten.