Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > broken leg???/uncontollable shakes...????

broken leg???/uncontollable shakes...????

22 17:58:38

i work at a bird farm ... yah a "puppie mill" 4 birds .. anywayz... an austral conure was found tangeled in her toyz by a leg ... we dont know how long she was there...well she was in schock real bad! almost died! they just left her no vet...well the next day she was hobiling around in her cage ... her leg is messed up... the toes bend but shes got a "peg leg" like a pirot.... i took her home cuz she was in w cockatiels and love birds....yah... i dont have $$$$ for vet bills! and ves in vegas dont do payment plans! i dont know what to do but i couldnt leave here there.... she climbs up the cage bars but she shakes like shes in pain...i have her in a small cage to limit how much she moves around.... im lost as what to do w her..... i also have a problem w a blue crown conure....hes still at the farm...but a few dayz befor the austral he was put in the back with bad head one knows y...hes 2 yrs old born there and never sold....i want to take him home as well but i dont want to get my birds sick if its contageous....and no vet...i dont know what there problem is! how can i help him? i allready tried to shut them down...a no go! im lost!

Hi, Heather.  Thanks for posting!

Australian Conure - I can't help much since I don't know exactly what's wrong with the conure's leg.  Is it broken, do you see any type of injury(ies), blood, etc.?  When a parrot gets a leg tangled up like this in a toy, they can do all sorts of damage to themselves trying to free themselves, so her leg/foot might not be her only injury.  You've done good by putting her in a small cage to limit her movements, but you've got to stop her from climbing up the cage you have an even smaller cage she can be placed in so you can keep her on the cage bottom or at most perching on a low perch?  She also needs to be kept warm and in a quiet location with plenty of food and water.  Shock is often worse than the injury(ies) themselves.

Blue crown - This bird could have had a stroke or something serious.

I know you say you don't have $$$, but both of these parrots need to be seen by an avian veterinarian ASAP.  Sorry, but there's just no getting around it.  
