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orphan parakeet eggs

23 9:29:04

my brother in law's female keet flew away and left a few eggs behind, wich I want to try and raise myself since I have the time and patience, yet I don't know how. what temperature should the eggs be hatched at? and the babies, what temperature should they be kept at? what should I feed them? how long will they take aproximately to hatch? Any other advice for me?

Hi, Sofia.  Thanks for posting!

Was this female laying eggs without mating with a male or did she have a mate?  When did the female fly away?

If the female was laying eggs without a mate, the eggs are infertile (single females can lay infertile eggs).  You can destroy them.

If the eggs have cooled, they are no longer viable (if they were fertile to begin with).  Cooling only takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on the ambient temperatures.  If they've cooled, they won't hatch and you can destroy them.

Come back with any additional questions.
