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Lovebird: Boy or Girl?

23 9:31:20

I have two lovebirds, how can I tell if they are boy or girl?

Hi, Leila.  Thanks for posting.

Lovebirds have to be DNA sexed, i.e., you can't tell their sex just by looking at them, UNLESS one or the other lays an egg!  Here's a website URL for a parrot DNA sexing lab I use to sex any parrots I need to have sexed.

You can order free sexing kits from this company either by phone or via their website and follow the instructions for obtaining a blood sample.  Send the card in with the required fee (which I believe is still about $20) and they will respond within about a week, depending on how busy the lab is.  To take a blood sample, you simply trim a lovebird's toenail just a little bit too short until you get a bit of blood.  Place a couple drops of blood on the card the company will send you, put the card in the mail with the fee, and the lab will E-Mail you the results (or mail them to you or both) in about a week.
