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sores from mutilation

22 17:58:29

please tell me if my quaker parrot picks his feathers,and creates a sore area,no bleeding but has broken a small area of skin,what can I put on the skin to help it heal?

Hi, Linda.  Thanks for posting!

You need to clean the area with Betadine, hydrogen peroxide, or some other type of sterile disinfectant (using a Q-tip).  Then you can use a cream antibiotic on the area.  However, you need to resolve the bigger problem of plucking.  If your home is dry, perhaps you need to add humidity.  Also, allowing your bird to bathe frequently can also help.  In the bath water, add aloe vera oil from an aloe plant...this will help with dry skin problems.

Picking can also be the result of poor diet.  Tell me what type of daily diet your bird is on.
