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Training LoveBirds

22 17:48:51

Please suggest how to train LoveBirds???

Hello George and thank you for your post.
How old are the lovebirds?  The younger the bird, the easier it will be to train.
First, you must have an established trust between you and your bird.  This may take a long time, but once the trust is there, it'll be easier for you.  The first thing that you want to teach your bird will be the "Step up" command.
Cut back on your bird's food for a couple of days (but please do not starve the bird).  Then once you have done this, you'll be able to coax your bird onto your hand using the food.  Open the cage door, and let your bird walk out of the cage.  Have some food in one hand, and with the other hand, hold it out to the bird and give the "Step up" command (or whatever command that you want to use for this).  Hold the food close enough for the bird to see that you have it, but far enough away that the bird can't reach it unless (s)he steps onto your hand.  Once (s)he even puts one foot onto your hand, reward him/her with a few bites of the food.  Eventually the bird will readily step up onto your hand or finger.  Remember that patience and consistancy are the two main keys to training a bird.
Here are a couple of links to sites that will also help you for not just training, but housing, nutrition, and other things that every bird owner should know.

Please feel dree to come back with any more questions.

Good luck and God Bless.