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cockatiel breeding

22 17:49:43

I have an albino(male) and a lutino(female), the male is about a year old and the female about 18 months they've been mating but no eggs I want to know if the age difference has something to do with them not having eggs.

Hello Claudia.  Thank you for posting.
The age difference shouldn't have anything to do with it as much as the age of the birds.
Male cockatiels usually aren't ready to mate until they're approaching 2 years old.  This is when they reach their sexual maturity (however, some males are ready to breed much younger).
Your female should start laying eggs soon, but keep in mind that even though you have a male and a female, they might NOT breed at all.  This is not uncommon among cockatiels.  It is much like humans, you can like someone of the oppisite sex, but that doesn't mean that you want to sleep with them.  Cockatiels of the oppisite sex can be best freinds, but they don't breed.
If your female lays eggs, wait for a couple of weeks and "candle" the eggs.  This is done by holding the egg up to a light so that you can see through the egg(a flashlight works great for this).  If you see red vein-like lines in the egg, then it is fertile.  If it's not fertile, then you will be able to see light right through the shell.  If the egg is not fertile, let the female sit on it until SHE quits sitting on it.  If you take the infertile egg away before SHE is ready, she may become an incessive egg layer, which could kill her.

Good luck and God Bless.