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chickens mating

23 9:34:32

How the eggs in the chicken actually get ferilized... if the rooster and the hen actually mate and how they go about it?  

when a rooster wants to mate with a hen, he will do this little dance around her. usally hens arn't interested and just walk off. if a rooster feels like he just has to mate with that stubborn hen, he will chase her down. if he is fast enough to catch her, he will grab on to some feathers just below her comb and climb on. roosters do not have penises. they just kinda have this sperm glob on their vent (name for the chickens butt) and will try to put it on the hens vent. sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. if you want eggs for hatching, put a rooster with no more then 6 hens together. lets say a hen who hasn't layed her egg today and was just put in with a rooster. he mates with her. and later that day she lays her egg. that egg will not be ferilized. then again tonite he desides to mate with her, and probably again tomorrow morning. then tomorrow when she lays her egg chances are that, that egg is ferilized.