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Balance Problem

23 9:34:47

Hi there, I have a canary who has a balance problem, otherwise healthy, he eats fine the feces seems to be normal, he just has a problem flying and staying on the perches. Very odd condition.  He just went through his first molt which was kind of hard on him but he has seemed to get over that pretty well. I was just wondering if you have ever experienced this type of thing and of course I will take him to the veternarian.  Just wanted to consult with some folks that have bird experience. Thanks so much. Kathy

I am sorry I am unable to answer your question at this time. I have undergone a sudden major surgery and am just not well enough to spend the time to answer your question. Please forgive the inconvenience, and hopefully you can find another expert on this site that can help you. Thank you so much for your understanding, Julie~