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peach faced love birds

23 9:32:44

We have 2 peach faced love birds and have had them for about a year now.  Recently one started picking on the other - nipping at it around the neck and face, and yesterday really attacked it and drew blood.  We've seperated the two into different cages for the moment until we know what is going on.  Is this normal for them?  Or what could be going on?  I know they can be aggressive with other birds, and the one being picked on is the smaller of the two.  Can you give me any ideas as to what is going on and what to do?  We don't know the gender of either, but are wondering if that could perhaps be part of the problem as well.....


Hello Cheryl, now to be honest I've never had love birds but did weeks of research before deciding not to get them so I am well informed in basics. This is odd even forlove birds to attack one another after living together for such a long time to start fighting now, perhaps they were allowed out of cage before and now aren't or are but less offen??? possibly you've added new perches/feeders or toys to the cage and the birds are on the other side trying to get away from them and are crowding each other??? These would have been sexually mature about 4/5 months ago depending on how old they were when you got them so even if they are male/female they wouldnt be acting like this I do know however female budgies tend to hate each other with a passion... possibly yours are both hens and have decided to have an all out war, whatever the case I would still let them out together and see each other and try get them rebonded but you may want to have a sex test done on them before hand.. its simple they pluck a feather and test the blood.... sounds painful I've never had any of my birds tested for sex... but I never needed too... but the bird only needs to be tested once and the plucked feather will grow back... I only wish it were as simple as flipping the bird over lol. The reason I suggest you getting them around each other is that a pair of birds in one cage keep each other ouccupied when your not there and they do not get bored and have there compation to talk too so to speak. good luck with whatever you choose to do.