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first chicks

23 9:35:02

>>>>>(sorry,my writting isn't good.)

i bought two Budgerigar last year ,
they were very wild.
I tried to tame them,
but it did not work.
Anyway the male showed that he is really very smart.
About 6 months ago they BEGIN TO EGG.
(i dont know what is the verb! maybe LAY)
they ley 7 eggs every 3 weeks,
and each time they break or throw out them.
Now it is less than a month that three (3) eggs hatched.(all at once!)
i have 3 chicks now.
they differ in size and color .
i here name them 1,2,3 where 1 is bigest and 3 is smallest.
two of them ,1 and 2, are a copy of male and 3 is a copy of female.
my  male is yellow limb with ligthy green breast(so beautiful)
and female is dark green and black limb with hard green breast.
now each one is geater ,
and 1 is completely look like his father.
I want to tame the chicks that they can be free in home.
I tried to get 1 several times,
but he bite me and ran over the cage.

please , please ,please : tell me what i do?
and how can i find that , chicks are male or female?
and i thank for any suggestion else...
THANX a lot.

Hi Hossein,
First, let me start by saying that I really don't have experience with Budgies. But, I can try to help you with part of this question, for it's more a parrot question, than strictly related to Budgies. As far as sexing them goes, I know that it has to do with their cere. The color of it. I think males being bluish, and females being brownish. But, don't quote me on that, for again, Budgies are not my expertise. And, I wouldn't know at what age you could tell that. But, as far as trying to tame the babies, that's pretty generic, and what works for 'tiels, works for Budgies. *smiles* I will tell you that they will always try to get away from you. They fear you. It's a natural instinct. You need to show patience, calmness, talking softly, etc. The best thing you could do is not react when they bite. It doesn't hurt THAT much. *laughs* You need to get them out of the cage, away from the cage, and in an area thats safe for them. But an area where they can't get away from you. The best way to start is with a perch/stick. Trying to get them to get up on a taming stick. Even if it's only for a moment, praise, praise, praise! :) Once they get used to being on a perching stick held by you, then you can offer your finger. Place your finger just above their feet, and pressing gently near their belly, use the word "UP". That's teaching them the UP command. When they learn that, you will be able to put your hand out to them no matter where they are, say the word UP, and they should step up onto your hand/finger. Hossein, it takes tons of patience. Just remember that. I wouldn't work them for more than 10 mins, so they don't get too stressed out. If you see them panting, beak opened, or their feet are hot to the touch, I'd let them rest. That means they are stressed out. The key to this is persistance, and consistancy. Working with them the same time, every day. Give it a try, and good luck to you. But mostly...congratulations! You sounded so excited! :)
Best regards,
Linnie :)