Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Red Spot

Red Spot

23 9:30:04

My female cockatiel has a red spot behind the crest or the yellow feathers on the top of her head.
I put a little pollisporn on it earlier and that seemed to help but I'm worried. There are feathers growing out of it and she doesn't sqwak when I touch it so I'm assuming it isn't sore.
Should I be taking her to the vet anyways?

Hello Megan.
There are a few possibiliteis that this could be, so
I would take her to the vet to see what the problem is.  She might have a broken blood feather that may need to be plucked.  Blood feathers have blood in the shaft if the feather, and if it breaks, thar\t shaft works as a straw, and the bird can literally bleed to death.
She also may have mites or an irrattion and be scratching that area raw.
Do you smoke, or use any chemicals such as perfume, perfumed candles, or any type of household cleaners around her?  If so, this may be irritating her.

I hope this helps answer your question.
Please keep me posted on your feathered-friend.

Good luck and God Bless.

Follow up on Kiwi:
I was just wondering how Kiwi is doing.  Have you been able to get her into the vet yet?  
