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Strange behaviour in Budgie

22 17:58:22

I have a question about my 2 year old budgie. During the past 3 weeks I have noticed that his droppings have changed in colour. They are now grey coloured and looser than normal. He is still eating a variety of foods - I feed him fruit and/or veg everyday and he eats millet and his regular seed. I find too, that he keeps on holding his wings slightly away from his body -like he's too hot. But he tends to do this a lot a more than normal throughout the day. He looks uncomfortable. Otherwise, he continues to play and eat and sing.
Just wondering if you know what causes these symptoms and if there is something I can do differently? Could it be a sign of stress? He is alone, but I spend a lot of time with him.


Hi, Heather.  Thanks for posting!

Usually, the color of a bird's poo reflects the type of food the bird has been eating.  Grey poo is normal provided your budgie isn't exhibiting signs of illness.  The loose droppings could indicate your bird is drinking more water a few hours prior to the release of the droppings or that the bird is eating more fruit or water-based foods.  Holding the wings away from the body normally indicates a bird is too warm.  

You asked whether these signs could be stress related.  Yes, they could.  Has your bird been under stress lately?  Is the bird holding it's wings out after an episode that is stressful for him?  
