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22 17:49:50

will a cockatiel and a rosella stay together or are they teritorial???

Hi Wayne,

I have not had experience with these two species together. I have seen a wide range of mixed species do well together however.

If you would like to try putting them together here are some tips:

1. Put them together in a neutral environment, for example a new aviary that neither has ever been in. Then it does not belong to either one.

2. Make sure they have enough space to get away from each other. Have enough food and water bowls and perching to prevent fights.

3. Don't have one clipped and one flighted. They both should be the same (clipped or flighted) so one does not have an advantage.

4. Watch the first few interactions. If they need to work out a disagreement let them. I've seen more problems caused by us humans who try to get involved. If you feel a serious injury may occur separate them immediately.

5. If either bird is hormonal right now due to spring and breeding season I would wait until that behavior diminishes.

Hope this helps.
