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which female is the mother

23 9:31:15

i have 4 parakeets ina cage together. 3 female 1 male, i now have 6 eggslayed in the last week, i have found out i need to take out the other 2 females or they can kill each other. all the females love and care for the eggs, and noone is fighting, but i dont want to take any chances, my prob is  how do i know which female is the mother? and if i take out the wrong bird, will the father still help feed? and will the wrong female take the responcibility of mothering?  

Hello Christy and thank you for your questions,

I am sorry but you can not remove the other females now there is really no way to be sure whos eggs it is but if the male favors a certion female over the rest(cuddling/ singing to/perch hopping and or feeding) then this is his female. Sorry I couldnt be of more help,

Let me know how everything goes,
