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boyfriends LOUD cockatiel

22 17:47:17

my boyfriend has a 5-year-old hand-fed cockatiel who is literally driving me
insane since we moved in together last week. he constantly chirps so loudly that
my eardrums hurt. What can i do to deal with this? I'm beginning to yell at the
bird and i know that's not good. Any advice?

Hello Susan and thank you for your post.
I know that it's easier said than done, but ignore the Cockatiel when he's being loud.  Pay attention to him when he's quiet.  This is a positive reinforcement for the bird, and he'll soon learn that he'll get the attention when he's being good and quiet.
Do keep in mind, though, that all birds do need their time to be loud.  This is their way of communicating with their flock and exercising their lungs (much like a newborn baby needs to do).

Good luck and God Bless.