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male cockatiel trying to mate with male cockatiel

22 17:38:51

I have 3 cockatiels.  I know one is a female for sure, she has layed eggs (last Dec).  Max, I assume is a male as he has tried to mate with the female (Andrea, Andy for short, when I found out he was a she).  3rd is named Danny, assumed he is a boy, until last week when Max mounted Danny and Danny let him.  this has happened severl times in the past week.  Max has full access to the female.  tonight I felt near all 3 vents and Max has 2 definite bumps, Andy has none and Danny has 2 definite bumps.  Can I conclude that Danny is definite male?  and if so, why would Max mate with him and why would he allow it?  when the mating is occuring Andy runs over as to say why not me or me next......thanks


There is no reliable way to tell the gender of a cockatiel by feeling near the vent.  That being said, has Danny shown any behavioral signs of being a male, like chattering or strutting?  If not, then I think Max has determined that Danny is a female!  I feel sorry for Andy!  You may need to move Andy out of the cage if you want Danny and Max to mate, because exposing Andy to this may make her want to breed, and she may start laying infertile eggs.  This can be dangerous, as birds use their own calcium and protein reserves to create the eggs.  There is no need for her to lay eggs if they are going to be infertile.

Now, if Danny IS a male, it isn't abnormal for two males to bond and mate.  If you wanted a mate for Andy, you may have to remove Danny from the cage.

Good luck,
