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Bird death

22 17:46:32

I just had a pretty horrifying experience, not just that my pet budgie died that way, but anything could die with such pain in my hands.

Anyway, I hear screeching in the room next to me, and I go to inspect.  I see my budgie, 1 of 4, on the ground screeching with wings spread out trembling.  I run to it, thinking it caught its foot on the rug or something, I pick it up, and it slowly dies.  It's lie just fades away in my palm.

I just want to know, what could cause a bird to screech like that and fly, crashing into the ground in pain.

Is that usual?  Was it a heart attack or something? I know you wouldn't be able to give a complete diagnosis or anything, but I am not able to spend cash to get a autopsy...

and speaking of that, is it even offered and how much?


it would be good for closure for my little sister. she thinks it was her fault for not caring for him better.

Hello Larry,

I am very sorry for your loss. However only a necropsy performed by your avian veterinarian can determine the cause of death of your bird.

You can contact your avian veterinarian for pricing on a necropsy.
