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parakeet chicks

22 17:47:31

I have several chicks in nestboxes. I have been told not to clean droppings out but it is sticking to the feet and  their bottoms. Do I attempt to get it off or just leave it?Also I am starting to see insects going in the nestboxes. What is safe for the birds that I can use to treat the insects. I live in La. where the heat index tops 100 at times.Thanks

Hello Renee and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
The nests should be cleaned out every day, as fresh food and water should also be given every day (being babies, they should be fed routinely throughout the day).  
Once the nests and boxes are cleaned and disinfected, the bugs will start to disappear.
You can try giving the babies a bath to clean the dropping off of them.  If you let the dropping stay on them, the acids from the droppings can actually poison the babies, not to mention eating into their skin.  It can also cause resperitory infections, or worse, death.  
Just imagine having to stand in your own feces.  This is what these babies are doing.  Who ever it was that told you not clean the nests told you wrong.

Good luck and God Bless.