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Lovebird walking in circless

22 17:58:56

Hi there, we have a 6 month old lovebird that was living in our outside aviary until we noticed it was not flying much and was actually walking round in circles with its head turned to one side. We have had a recent cold snap but our birds are generally outdoors all winter as it does not snow where we live. We had a similar incident with a bird in New Zealand and the vet said it was either an ear infection or it had a stroke. Antibiotics worked that time.Any more insite would be appreciated. We have not gone to the vet but have started on antibiotics.

Hi, Siobhan.  Thanks for posting!

When a bird does this, it could be several things, all health related.  Only an avian veterinarian can pinpoint exactly what the problem might be.  I don't like the idea of providing antibiotics before you know what the exact problem is because you could make matters worse if it's not a bacterial problem.  I'd recommend a visit to the bird vet.
