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birds and guinea pigs

22 17:41:56


I have a bird and a guinea pig. They live next to one another. Could they get sick from one another? If one had a cold or a bacterial infection or something, could they other get sick?


Hello Dee,

This question got sent to the question pool so I am answering it for you.

The first concern I have with these pets living in close proximity is the sensitivity of a bird's respiratory system. The bedding used for your piggie grows within 24 hours a variety of fungus, mold, and bacteria that will be inhaled by your bird. This can cause your bird to become very sick. The urine of your piggie if not cleaned daily can cause irritation for your bird's lungs and airsacs, as can the dust from the bedding.

As for specific diseases that they can share this is a question best asked of your avian veterinarian.
