Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > my budgies eye looks sore!

my budgies eye looks sore!

22 17:47:01

hi i just got my pet budgie its now just a yr old i had it for 6 weeks and i never looked at its eye before. ones normal and the others very crusty looking around half of it. shes a female and yeah. can you please answer my Q and make me not worried! shes had it since i got her but i never really noticed that it could be a infection.

Hello Leisha and thank you for your post.
It could be an infection or it could be an injury to the eye.  In either case, your friend should be seen by a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet right away.  If it is an infection, it can become systemic and spread very quickly, which can be fatal.  Please do not hesitate getting her in to be seen.

Good luck and God Bless.