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my cocatiel birds

22 17:58:48

I have a male (about 4 years old) and female cockatiel (18 months old) sharing one cage. I have no nest in the cage. I also have 3 dogs, so the birds no longer are allowed to fly freely around the house. I do not know if the female is sick or if she perhaps wants to (needs to) lay eggs... Of late the cage has developed an odor requiring almost daily cleaning. The female seems "puffed up" alot of the time. I know nothing at all about birds, and only know to provide them with food, water and clean cage. What else do they need, should I be doing.  Do all female birds lay eggs?  Should I provide a nesting box in the cage for her?  help!  

Hello Carol.  Thank you for your post.
YOur female is very sick and she needs immediate attention from a Certified Avian Vet.  Not a vet for a dog or a cat, but one for birds.  Avian Vets are specially trained for birds.  An Exoctic Vet would also be recommended if you do not have an Avian Vet by you.

Good luck and God Bless.