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Budgee scaly face vs breeding cere

23 9:31:04

Our budgee had little growths around its eyes. We thought it might be from being in breeding condition, but now I have found out about scaly face caused by mites. It's yellowish with a tint of pink, mostly around the eyes but a bit around the mouth.

Hi, Amin.  Thanks for posting.

I've never seen scaly mites around a budgie's eyes, however, I suppose they could infest that area.  Usually, scaly mites are seen on the cere and, thus, around the beak, and on the legs and feet.  Scaly mites bury themselves under the bird's skin so the infested area looks like warts and is the same color as the bird's skin.  A female budgie in breeding condition will have a crusty-looking, brown cere.  

Based on your description that this is yellowish (not sure what to make of pinkish tint), I'd suspect this yellowish stuff might be an infection of some sort.  Scaly mite infestation doesn't usually turn yellowish, unless some sort of infection is present.  Does your budgie have the sniffles or any type of fluid, crusty stuff around it's cere?

I'd recommend an avian veterinarian evaluation in order to determine exactly what your budgie is suffering from.  With either condition I mentioned, you'll need prescription medication only a vet can prescribe.
