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Cockatiel not squawking

23 9:31:18

We just bought a baby pearl cockatiel. I'm not sure if it is male or female so for now I will refer to it as being female. We bought her the very same day the pet store put her for sale. She was hand fed,  is very tame and gives us no problem when we try to take her out of her cage and hold her. She eats and drinks just fine. We give her plenty of attention by talking softly and whistelling to her constantly. Almost everything seems normal. (I've had a cockatiel before) The only thing we're a little concerned about is that she has not made one peep, not even a single tiny squawk, since we brought her home 4 days ago. Is this normal?  

Hello Penny and thank you for your question and congrats on your new baby.

Yes its perfectly normal my first cockatiel never spoke for over a week after I got her and she was healthy and happy. \Another thing baby cockatiels don't talk as much as adult tiels do so keep his in mind.

Enjoy your little birdie,
