Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Litter


23 9:33:12

I just wanted to know if it is ok to put a kitty litter in the tray to help absorb some of the smell in my Maccaws cage? Or would this be harmful to my Bird? Any ideas on litter control would be helpful thank you.

Hi Will,

Your typical Cat litter is not recommended, because it is not safe for birds. The fregrances, dust, etc.... used in most cat clay/crysal litters is dangerous for birds.

It is recommended to use newspaper at the bottom of the bird's cage and to change it daily. If you change it everyday, there shouldn't be a smell.

I hope this helps.


PS- if you must use a cage liner other than plain paper (like newspaper), used a pelleted litter like Yesterday's News. This is made of recycled paper product, but is clumped into a pelleted form and fluffs up when it gets wet. It is marketed as a small animal or cat litter. The problem with using a product like Yesterday's News, is that it discourages you from cleaning the bird's litter everyday.