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my 7 week old cockateil

22 17:41:51

Hi, i have a 7 week old cockateil. I got him/her 3 days ago. It hasnt made a sound and is very queit. Could that be because it could be a female. And do females whistle and chirp as much as males?? Is there anyway i can tell the sex at this age?

Hi, Caz,

I found your post in the question pool this morning.  For some reason, the person you sent your post originally to could not answer.

You have to give your new bird time to get used to its new home and get used to you.  Since this bird is still a baby, it may not make much noise, etc., yet.  Give the bird some time to grow up a little bit!  Your tiel is too young to sex.  You might start getting hints about its sex as it gets older by its behavior, but your bird really needs to molt at least once, preferably twice, before you can accurately determine sex.  The first molt occurs at about 6 months of age, the second at about 12 months old.  And then, depending on the phenotype (overall coloration), it may not be possible to sex visually.  Some tiels need to be DNA sexed.  If you want to know your bird's sex right now, you can have s/he DNA sexed.  Visit Avian Biotech or Zoogen Labs on the internet for more information.    

Male tiels have a beautiful song and some can learn to mimic.  Females chirp, but they do not sing like the males do.  Your bird is still too young to have a song (or to sex with any accuracy).
