Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > how to get different colours out of zebra finches

how to get different colours out of zebra finches

22 17:46:30

i have 2 white and 1 grey zebra finch and 2 normal males and how do i get different colours please send back need help thanx

Hi, Tom,

I found your post in the question pool.  Evidently, whomever you sent your question to could not answer.

I don't know a lot about zebra finches...I raised them years ago.  However, I do know that phenotype (coloration) not only depends on the parents of the offspring, but also on the genetic makeup of the parents of the parents of the offspring.  Without this information, about the best you can do is breed 2 birds together to see what they produce.  If they don't produce what you want, then switch mates and breed them to see what phenotype they produce.  Genetics can be a complicated thing.  What you see visually is not always what you get in offspring unless you know their genetic makeup.
