Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Cage size for a bourks parakeet

Cage size for a bourks parakeet

23 9:34:56

How big should a cage be for one bourkes parakeet?

Hello.  Thanks for posting your question.  Cage size for a bird depends on how much time the bird spends inside/outside the cage.  If outside the cage most of the day, the cage can be small enough that allows the bird to freely flap it's wings without touching any part of the cage (sides, top, bottom).  Cage should also be large enough so that bird droppings don't fall into feed/water dishes when bird is perched.  If the bird spends all it's time inside the cage, the bigger the better!  Also, select a cage that is wide and not tall...birds fly horizontally, not vertically, so the more horizontal, the better.  I make my own cages because it's hard to find the wider cages (search the net to see what's available).

If you need more info, please contact me again.  Thanks