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2 Parakeets--one old, one new--mating?

22 17:48:43


My sister and I have had one parakeet (Alisto) for one year and recently purchased a companion for him (Ven).  We are certain Alisto is male, but aren't so sure about Ven.  Regardless, Ven has been with us for about two weeks in a separate cage from Alisto, but he/she has adjusted to fingertraining on really well, so we let him/her and Alisto out together for the first time a few days ago.  They seemed to hit it off really well, "kissing", preening, and cooing to each other, but just today, Alisto appeared to be trying to mount Ven.  Their time together started out as it usually did, a little nuzzling and chirping, then a little preening, then Alisto did his little happy dance around Ven as he sometimes does (and Ven has begun to mimic this!), then boom, Alisto just dove on top of Ven!  Neither bird made any angry sounds or did anything that would otherwise suggest distress, but Ven is very young--he/she still has all the stripes on the top of his/her head, and I doubt he/she is anywhere near sexual maturity.  Is Alisto's behavior that of a mating male or is he being agressive?  I want to be sure before I continue allowing them out together, since our intent is to eventually have them be comfortable enough with each other to live in the same cage...any insight you could give me would be great--thanks!

Hello Narasha and thank you for your post.
This is the time of the yearwhere the birds are going to act weird.  It does sound like Ven is a female, and if she is too young for breeding, then you will need to keep the two seperated for awhile.  They can be in seperate cages next to each other, but until the breeding season is over, you need to not let them out together.

Good luck and God Bless.