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lovebird changing color

22 17:59:02

Ihave a pair of 7 yr. old peach faced lovebirds. Recently the female moulted and her new feathers are growing back orange! Her back, chest, back of her head, and legs are completely mottled with orange feathers. Could it be medical?     Puzzled in Newfoundland, Canada.

Hi, Phyllis.  Thanks for posting!

This is a new one on me!  Peachfaced lovebirds are supposed to have some orange on them, but I've never known them to change color like you describe at 7 years of age.  Are you talking about a lot of orange or just light orange shades here and there?  Are you positive of the female's age?  Everything about a bird's feathers are related to health, so it could be health related, but I'd have to know/see the extent of the change in order to advise further.  
