Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > female button quail with budgies????

female button quail with budgies????

23 9:29:53

Hi I have a large bird cage 3 feet long two feet tall and a foot and a half deep, I am wanting to get a pair of budgies to live in it but I really really want two female button quails...can they live on the cage floor if budgies occupy the cage?

Hello Lee and thank you for your question.

I personally woundn't put all four of the birds into a cage of that size.  I would get a bigger cage to make sure that everybody has room.  Button Quails and Budgies can live in the same cage, providing the cage is big enough.  
Despite what most people think, Button Quail do fly quite a bit, and they do require a lot of room to be able to move and fly.  Also, make sure that there are many different sized perches in the cage.  This will help to exercise their feet so they do not get atrophy.

Good luck and God Bless.